When it comes to skincare, the market is saturated with countless products—from luxury brands like Elizabeth Arden to drugstore staples like Oil of Olay. While these products often promise youthful, glowing skin, the results can be underwhelming, and you might find yourself wondering if there’s something better out there. 

Enter medical-grade skincare—a category of products that is a step above the rest in terms of effectiveness, safety, and results. So, why are these better? Well, there’s a few reasons! Below, I explore what these are and why they matter.

FDA Approval: A Seal of Trust

One of the most significant differences between medical-grade skincare and over-the-counter (OTC) products lies in the rigorous standards they must meet. Medical-grade skincare products are subject to strict regulations by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This means they are not just beauty products but are considered in the same category as drugs, ensuring a higher level of scrutiny.

The FDA approval process for medical-grade skincare is comprehensive. Products must demonstrate their efficacy and safety through randomized controlled trials, one of the most reliable forms of scientific research. These trials provide robust evidence that the products actually work, setting them apart from OTC products that are often only required to show that they won’t cause harm.

Proven Efficacy: Science-Backed Results

Unlike many cosmeceuticals, which may rely heavily on marketing claims without substantial scientific backing, medical-grade skincare is grounded in research. 

Medical-grade skincare products are formulated with active ingredients that have been clinically proven to address specific skin concerns. Whether you’re dealing with acne, hyperpigmentation, aging, or other issues, these products are designed to penetrate deeper into the skin and deliver active ingredients where they’re most needed. 

This is in stark contrast to many OTC products, which often contain lower concentrations of active ingredients and may not be able to reach the deeper layers of the skin where they can be most effective.

A Personalized Approach: Tailored to Your Skin

At Ericsson Aesthetics, skincare isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Each person’s skin is unique and requires a personalized approach. Medical-grade skincare allows for customization based on your specific skin type, concerns, and goals. 

As such, I work closely with each client to develop a skincare regimen that’s not just effective but also tailored to their individual needs. This level of customization is rarely found in OTC products, which are designed to be broadly appealing rather than specifically effective. With medical-grade skincare, you’re getting products that are formulated with the understanding that your skin is unique and deserves a targeted approach.

The Difference Between Medical-Grade and Cosmeceuticals

It’s easy to be swayed by the sleek packaging and lofty promises of cosmeceuticals, but the truth is, many of these products don’t hold up under scientific scrutiny. While brands like Elizabeth Arden and Oil of Olay have their place in the skincare market, they often lack the potent active ingredients and scientific backing that define medical-grade skincare.

Cosmeceuticals are typically regulated as cosmetics rather than drugs, meaning they are only required to be safe for use, not necessarily effective. This is a crucial distinction—just because a product won’t harm your skin doesn’t mean it will improve it. In contrast, medical-grade skincare products are not only safe but are also proven to make a difference in the health and appearance of your skin.

With a commitment to using only the highest quality medical-grade skin care products, Ericsson Aesthetics in Cary offers a level of care and effectiveness that simply can’t be matched by OTC products. Whether you’re looking to address specific skin concerns or simply want to maintain a youthful complexion, the right skincare regimen can make all the difference. 

Curious to learn more? Book your appointment today!