We’ve all heard of the Ozempic craze. Everywhere you look, there’s a new claim that our favorite celebrity is taking this diabetes medication for weight loss. However, there are other similar (and potentially more effective) drugs on the market, like tirzepatide and semaglutide. 

Yet, should you really be taking any medication to lose weight? How do these medications work? And is there a more effective way to reclaim your youth? Let’s take a closer look!

How Tirzepatide and Semaglutide Work

Tirzepatide and semaglutide work in similar ways to help people lose weight. They both mimic a natural hormone in your body called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1). This hormone plays a key role in how your body manages hunger and fullness.

When you eat, your body naturally releases GLP-1. This hormone tells your brain that you’re getting full, which helps you stop eating. It also slows down how quickly food moves through your stomach, making you feel full for longer.

Tirzepatide and semaglutide act like artificial versions of GLP-1. When injected, they trick your body into thinking you’ve eaten, even when you haven’t. This leads to several effects, including:

  • Reduced appetite: You feel less hungry throughout the day.
  • Increased fullness: You feel satisfied with smaller portions of food.
  • Slower digestion: Food stays in your stomach longer, prolonging the feeling of fullness.

Tirzepatide has an additional effect. It also mimics another hormone called GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide). This gives it a dual action, potentially making it more effective for some people. In fact, research indicates tirzepatide may be more effective than semaglutide when it comes to weight loss.  Semaglutide can decrease your body weight by 10-15% and tirzepaitide can decrease body weight by 15-21%.  

However, it’s worth noting that they’re not magic pills; they work best when combined with healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. In fact, creating sustainable habits, including lifestyle changes, is essential to maintain weight loss in the long-term. Thus, it’s probably not a good idea to rely solely on any drug to help you achieve your goals.

Side Effects of Medications:

Using these drugs could cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea or constipation.  These side effects usually minimize the longer you take the medication.  As these medications slow the gut, it is important to note that consuming alcoholic drinks may make you feel the effects of the alcohol much faster and longer, and may interfere with other medications that you are taking.   This is an important reason to talk to your physician about taking these medications, so he or she can discuss complications that may ensue.  

Remember, these are powerful medications that should only be used under a doctor’s guidance. Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and never combine medications without their approval. If you have questions about which medication might be right for you, or if you’re not seeing the results you hope for with your current treatment, the best course of action is to discuss this with your doctor. They can help you find the most effective and safe approach tailored to your individual needs.

And if you’re curious about other ways to reverse time, my aesthetician services in Cary can help you regain your youth in a natural and healthier way (no long-term medications necessary)! Book your appointment with Ericsson Aesthetics today!